First it was just supposed to be a trend, now it's an attitude to life. Rethinking, doing things differently – doing it better! Environmental protection is actively integrated into our everyday personal and business life.
People across the generations are enthusiastically pursuing one goal: to make the world a better place. New concepts, resolutions and organisations are constantly being created for this purpose. You might think it had finally crossed people’s minds. In this respect, you will also find many efforts to implement more environmental protection in the Altmark. Plastic packaging is becoming increasingly rare in the retail trade and unpackaged shops are gaining in popularity. City councils and municipalities are thinking about revolutionising the waste system to save resources. Glass, too, is suddenly gaining importance again, and various companies in the Altmark region have come up with something for this. Value-added container – just a milk bottle, tomorrow a flower vase. School classes support the collection of rubbish, everyone does their small part to contribute to the big picture and the first successes are starting to show.