Anyone studying on a sandwich course benefits from the practical relevance of their studies and can apply their specialist knowledge immediately in their daily work. Companies that invest in training their skilled workers ultimately benefit themselves.
Almost everyone has heard of the term "Duales Studium" in Germany, the equivalent to a sandwich course, but there are different ideas of what it means. For example, not every dual course of study is also a distance learning course – there are various models, such as part-time study alongside work or a combination of study and apprenticeship, where students alternate between three months of study and three months of work experience. The great advantage of this type of course is how closely related to practice it is, with the application of specialist knowledge being the main focus. Dual courses of study can be found in the Altmark at the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences and at private educational institutions, as well as in the district administrations and individual companies.
In the end, the newly acquired knowledge and expertise also benefits your own company. Businesses who have recognised this offer subsidies for tuition fees or other additional benefits for employees who study on a sandwich course or who continue their education by distance learning. Companies in the civil engineering sector in particular, such as Ingenieurbau Altmark GmbH or Rühlmann Bau GmbH, are looking for trainees for dual studies. Some jobs in administration are also advertised directly as dual studies, for example in the Stendal district and the Altmarkkreis Salzwedel.
The following courses of study are offered as sandwich courses at the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences:
Further information can be found on the university website:
In addition to the apprenticeships, Landkreis Stendal is also starting to offer dual studies in the following subjects:
You can get further information here:
Ms Ines Kurze
Further Education and Training Officer
Landkreis Stendal, Haupt- und Personalamt
Hospitalstraße 1-2
39576 Hansestadt Stendal
Phone: +49 3931-60-7506
Email: ines.kurze(at)