Anyone setting up a company has to consider quite a bit and make important decisions. No one can know everything. Seek support and advice to set up your business successfully.
If you are thinking about starting your own business, the first decision is whether you want to work part-time or whether you want to put all your eggs in one basket and start your own business. The right preparation is important. It all starts with a business plan and a plan for financing your company. Depending on the type of business you want to run, there are various requirements and you may also have to obtain permits from authorities (e.g. building permit). Certain protected professions such as doctors, lawyers or tax consultants are subject to special requirements. You should also think about insurance for businesses and a business account.
A knowledgeable adviser can help you with feedback and suggestions for improving your business plan and market strategy or advice on your financing plan and funding opportunities. In the Altmark region, there is a business start-up advisory service in Stendal and Salzwedel, which will personally assist you as a start-up. You will also find numerous platforms for start-up advice online, such as the Gründerplattform from the kfW and the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology or "Unternehmen und Gründer" from the state of Saxony-Anhalt.
Business start-up consultant Volker Lahmann
Bahnhofstraße 6
29410 Hansestadt Salzwedel
Phone: +49 3901-845 670
Fax: +49 3901-845 671
Email: v.lahmann(at)
Business start-up consultant Sabine Falk
Arneburger Straße 24
39576 Hansestadt Stendal
Phone: +49 3931-681 410
Email: sabine.falk(at)