Anyone wanting to start their own business does not always have the necessary financial means. But state institutions and banks support start-ups with various grants.
You will find many options for funding. It is difficult to get a comprehensive overview and find out which funding is suitable for your own company. Depending on what exactly you intend to do with your company, you may be eligible for grants from the federal government, the state of Saxony-Anhalt or even the EU. If you are starting a business out of unemployment, you can receive subsidies from the employment agency, and the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences also supports students who want to start a business with their plans. Flexible help from companies for companies is available to anyone wishing to set up their own business with the Altmark Business Network's (UNA) micro-credit agreement.
Just as every founder and their business are in an individual situation, the respective conditions and requirements are different for each type of funding. Business start-up advisers are well informed and can put you in touch with the appropriate contact person for the right funding.